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Tactile varnish
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The label is made from a special material that is not usually used in flexo printing – real metal.
By applying special paints, special glue and post-printing processing, a solid and voluminous label is produced, which to the touch and appearance resembles a minted medallion.


The lens-label is made on a special material, which, after applying special paints and processing, gives any image a visual drop (or lens) volume, while the label remains flat and does not require additional steps to add volume to the image.

3D Graphics

The label is made from a special material that is not usually used in flexo printing – real metal.
By applying special paints, special glue and post-printing processing, a solid and voluminous label is produced, which to the touch and appearance resembles a minted medallion.


The label is made using a special diffraction foil, which gives the label elements a pearlescent effect and shine.


The label is made using multi-colored foil by cold, hot or blind stamping (blinding). As a result, the label has a rich, bright filling with precious luster as an ornament.


This is the post-printing treatment of the label, with the help of which the image or its individual elements are given volume by the physical action of the press. The label takes on an interesting volumetric look.

Tactile varnish

The post-printing treatment of the label with tactile varnish gives the label special characteristics – the label becomes not only bulky in appearance, but also pleasantly memorable to the touch. This technique allows you to apply absolutely any pattern to the label, which can imitate any materials and even the skin of various animals.


Protects the label image from moisture and mechanical damage. Matte and glossy lamination gives the label a matching highlight.